Friday, October 23, 2009

To Whom It May Concern,

I feel it necessary to bring up a very important issue concerning Chemical Burn:

I do NOT encourage you to become a terrorist.

Yes, Tyler Durden gives me a hard on. Yes, I know how to make explosives out of pretty much anything. But I do NOT condone you taking the information I give on this blog to the extreme and using it to cause harm to others. The only body parts I want to see flying are those belonging to the undead!

With that aside, I would like to mention this for those few CIA agents who are probably tracking my every move because I own a copy of the Anarchists Cookbook and like to make things explode. The information I have you can find in an advanced Chem textbook- I just happen to know how to use them to an advantage. Anyone with any amount of dedication and/or experience with playing with rockets and fireworks as a kid could figure this shit out.

Chill the fuck out.

The Rogue

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